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Friday, October 10, 2008

10/10/08: Sarah's SAT score and "foreign policy experience"

Still waiting for the Troopergate report to be released today - looks like it will be late in the day. In the meantime I thought you'd like to see our would-be veep's early academic credentials (we all know about her brilliant collegiate career - six years at six no-name unis for a bachelor's in journalism - without writing or producing anything -even for any of the college rags). But the signs were there early - high school GPA of 2.2 with a "D" in Foreign Languages and SAT scores of 416/425!

Also yesterday, Palin's calendar from her time as Governor of Alaska was released! Doesn't seem to have been very busy, with lots of unexplained time off - according to Keith Olbermann, he could have performed her 2 years of "work" in 2 days! And now we can quantitate her much touted "foreign policy experience" - it amounts to about 12 hours worth of meetings over the 18 months (btw NO ONE from Russia trade or otherwise) - including meetings with "foreign exchange students" and hosting the annual "Fur & Ice" reception with international tourists..

Just happened to catch my eye on the Anchorage Daily News while surfing for Troopergate..

You know you’re in Alaska when.. a big issue in a high-stakes trial is the value of a blue-eyed husky (that’s a dog) given as a gift. I guess in CA it might have been a terabyte server or something. I hope Sen. Ted Stevens gets nailed for undervaluing his dogs.

I was a bit surprised to read the comments to an article titled "Has media coverage of Palin been fair?" Doesn't sound like our fair governor is so popular in her home state anymore - I wrote earlier that her popularity in AK has plummeted to the 60s from the 80-85% still being quoted by McCain. From some of these comments, looks like she'll be in for some hot water when returning home after her national debacle (soon) - and this is before Troopergate, remember. Rubbing my hands with glee...

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