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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10/7/08: Media's contribution to Palin/McCain's divisive sleaze

The media IS finally beginning to wake up to the fact that they too have been ruthlessly exploited by the cynical Republican strategy adoped by Palin and McCain – lie outrageously and spread sleaze about your opponent without having to ever to provide any proof or give a real press conference defending their statements. And the press will lap it up and provide them with the free publicity and exposure they crave.

It’s worked – so far.

But today there were 2 articles in the Washington Post which show that maybe – just maybe – the media is waking up to the fact that they have been complicit in spreading this divisive sleaze. Here’s a call to arms from Eugene Robinson titled
The Flimflam Strategy

And here's an acknowledgement by Richard Cohen that the media gave Palin a free pass on her vacuous performance in the VP debate, perhaps because they didn’t want to seem like they were piling on after she was so thoroughly humiliated by the Couric and Gibson interviews.

Palin and McCain have received and continue to receive a free pass from the media, which is afraid of being lambasted by them (again) as being biased. So even today, even in exposing Palin's vicious, divisive lies, they have to bend over backwards and mention Obama's "negative" ad about McCain's involvement in the Keating 5 scandal!
There's a world of difference - the S&L collapse IS relevant to today's bank collapse, and McCain WAS GUILTY - he admitted it until yesterday, when he paraded his lawyer out to DENY it!!! And this doesn't get any media coverage.

Oh and while you're at it, please examine McCain's shady associations carefully too - with convicted criminals, right-wing extremists, mafia dons, sleazy real-estate developers - he's got a closet full of them!
McCain's closet
Despite attacks on media by McCain campaign, case studies show disparate coverage in McCain's favor, including in the case of Liddy vs Ayers.
I would like equal opportunity for McCain’s questionable associations.
Why is the NY Times continuing to ignore McCain's "own Bill Ayers"?

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