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Thursday, October 16, 2008

10/15/08 Obama wins – again and again and again!

The third and final debate is done and dusted. McCain was dusted, that is.

Oh, he did all right, in fact, it was his best performance to date. But it wasn’t enough. He still lost, overmatched and outmaneuvered by a more skilled, polished and unflappable opponent. Obama was again judged the winner by 80-85% of the online polls on CNN, CBS and NBC. And again, he was also judged the winner in the telephone polls of people who actually watched the debate:

CNN: Obama 58%, McCain 31%

CBS: Obama 53%, McCain 22%

The CBS poll, significantly, was conducted with uncommitted voters, who, as always, are a key deciding factor in these elections.

Another significant factor in these polls was that the favorables for Obama rose slightly during the debate, while McCain’s dropped slightly. Obama also did better than McCain across the board – on the economy, taxes, healthcare, women and men. McCain only “won” in 2 categories – more negative attacks and more like a typical politician.
Obama McCain
Favorable Before Debate 66% 51%
Favorable After debate 69% 49%
Trust on economy 59% 24%
Trust on healthcare 62% 31%

Watchers found Obama more likable by 48% and a better leader by 23% over McCain!

My personal take? I thought McCain came in more aggressive and started attacking from the get go. There was hardly more than a couple sentences without a snide comment or a sneering jab at Obama. Of course I didn’t like his attitude, his constant sighs, raised eyebrows and rapidfire blinking – but you know what? The viewers as well as CNN’s uncommitted voter panel didn’t like those either – hence the negative ratings.

Obama did seem a bit defensive early on, but once he warmed up, he appeared calm, confident and unruffled by McCain’s constant interjections. McCain threw everything but the kitchen sink at him, including Ayers, ACORN, Lewis – everything he could think of – but Obama took it all in stride, and responded to each in clear concise terms, without resorting to ANY mudslinging of his own. Initially, I thought he should have responded a bit more aggressively to these, and also on Palin’s qualifications (which he simply left up to the American people to judge), but in the end, I think it was good that he took the high road and left them alone. It made him seem more mature and Presidential, and in contrast, made McCain look smaller, desperate and out of touch. Both in the polls and in live watchers reactions, McCain’s negativity did not go down well, yet he continues – maybe he really has no other strategy. Well, that’s just fine with Obama, and with me too! As I sip my wine (saving my last and best bottle of champagne for Nov 4th!), and watch the pundits generally agree that Obama did what he came in to do, and McCain did nothing to stem the tide flowing the other way, I can finally declench and relax! I will get a good night’s sleep tonite, soon as I’m done with this of course!! Sweet dreams..

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