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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

10/1/08 Palin's Party Panics!

UPDATE: Here's the link to that video of Couric asking Palin about Supreme Court cases I talked about earlier - judge for yourselves!!!!

So what’s responsible for Obama’s sudden resurgence in these critical battleground states?
Three things :

1. Obama’s impressive performance on the debate resonated well with the undecided voters – he more than held his own on security and scored much better than McCain on the economy, where he’s way more trusted to deal with this ongoing crisis.

2. McCain’s grandstanding last week (claiming to “suspend” his campaign to go back to the Senate to show his “leadership” on the bailout, both claims were bogus) didn’t go down well with voters.

3. Finally, people got to see more of Palin, and they didn’t like what they saw! She was interviewed by Katie Couric again yesterday on CBS Evening News, parts of which you may have seen on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN or other news broadcasts (here are all 5 parts that were shown). What they showed in the interview sent chills down my spine – can you believe this VP candidate could not name a single newspaper she reads regularly?
Now this is not a trick question, folks!! Scary! Also, her extreme views on abortion even in cases of rape and incest and her opposition to the morning-after pill were featured. Here’s what I dislike: she says she’s proud of her views on abortion, then why can’t come out and say she thinks it should be illegal when asked directly instead of beating around the bush? We all know it anyway.

It was probably at this point that Couric brought up the Supreme Court and Roe v Wade – because, let’s face it, Judge Stevens is 88 years old, and probably can’t survive another Republican term. And if Palin/McCain get to pick one more justice, we all know what the result will be for America. Anyways, what was not shown at this point is even more chilling than what was shown – according to a Palin aide, the unaired part included a question from Couric about whether she had heard of any other Supreme Court cases other than Roe v Wade. The answer was – total silence. Is that more or less scary than the verbal fumbling about the newspapers or the bailout or Rick Davis? You decide.

This may have been the last straw that broke the conservative camel’s back. You may have seen Jack Cafferty’s final say on Palin (if you haven’t, check it out. I don’t think it’s been said better), or Gloria Borger's, or Fareed Zakaria's (McCain's VP decision is 'fundamentally irresponsible').
But what’s even more interesting, is that in the last couple of days, there has been an outpouring from CONSERVATIVES who have come out and said Palin should withdraw from the ticket!! Now these are Republicans, who are fully aware of the consequences of a late VP withdrawal from the ticket, and yet they’re choosing to ask for her to step down!! Now that should cause all Republicans to at least pause and think about their choice.

Here’s some of their views.

While some journalists say privately they are censoring their comments about Palin to avoid looking like they're piling on, pundits on the right are jumping ship. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough says Palin "just seems out of her league." National Review Editor Rich Lowry called her performance "dreadful." Dallas Morning News columnist Rod Dreher described the interview as a "train wreck." Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker urged Palin to quit the race, saying: "If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself." Other conservatives who have expressed their doubts about Palin include David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter, and conservative pundits Charles Krauthammer and Ross Douthat.

To summarize, I'll quote myself from a couple weeks ago:
McCain/Palin = 4 more years of war

McCain/Palin = 4 more years of rich getting richer, poor getting poorer

McCain/Palin = 4 more years of economic crisis

McCain/Palin = 4 more years of jobless and homeless people

Scariest of all:

McCain/Palin = 1 new right wing Supreme Court Justice, goodbye Roe v Wade, back to coathanger abortions in basements

McCain/Palin = 1 new right wing Supreme Court Justice, hello constitutional amendments

McCain/Palin = 1 new right wing Supreme Court Justice, goodbye USA as we know it.

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