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Thursday, September 25, 2008

9/12/08: McCain's colossal mistake: Sarah Palin on 20/20

I just watched Gibson interview Sarah Palin on 20/20 today.

I'm frankly horrified.

I think McCain made a colossal mistake in picking this right wing fanatic for a VP. She is clueless, inexperienced, and it’s downright scary to think (given McCain’s age and health) that she could be President!!! She thinks being able to see Russia counts as foreign policy experience?! She’s against abortion even in cases of rape and incest?! Forget stem cell research, we’ll all die of Alzheimers because we can’t find a cure with no tools. Freedom of speech? Only if you agree with her.

Some takes:

I'm no expert on the economy but it doesn't look like Palin knows anything either. All he's asking for is 3 things she would change from the Bush administration and after beating around the bush for a while and being patiently asked again, she says "Reduce taxes. Control spending. Reform the oversight on the agencies. " Oh right. And why is this "different" from Bush?? This is exactly what we've been getting from Bush for 8 years, and see where we are. She is so clueless. And when she has nothing to say, she goes on and on about the next level of bureaucracy. And the next level of bureaucracy. And the next level of bureaucracy.. please God, stop this madness and stupidity now.

CG: Why do you keep saying Obama will raise taxes?

Palin: I’m not a fan of Bill Clinton’s tax plan.

Hello, welcome to 2008. We were talking about Obama’s tax cuts for the middle class.

But Gibson lets it go, and stays with her.

CG: He (Clinton) created 22 million jobs, Bush 5 million.

Sarah: We have to create more jobs.

Great answer. How exactly? No idea.

Palin seems to be denying publicly known facts and rewriting history.

She denied supporting the Bridge to Nowhere though she’s on record defending it. That’s just silly.
About the books, she denied banning any books or desiring to do so, but her own campaign's spokesman said she asked about it 3 times.
"Taylor Griffin, a spokesman for the McCain campaign, said Thursday that Palin asked the head librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, on three occasions how she would react to attempts at banning books."

In the interview Palin said "In our town there was an issue of if a parent came in and asked for a book to be taken off the shelf". I wonder if the "parent" was her too?
I'm just tired of these evasions and lies – and this is her FIRST interview!!! Possibly her last, on this showing.

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