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Friday, September 26, 2008

9/26/08 Obama opens 5 pt lead in Virginia

I wanted to take a quick look at the polls before the debate tonite. The news is overwhelmingly good for Obama, further rationale for why McCain took that dramatic gamble that failed so miserably. I think Virginia may become the critical state in 2008 as Ohio was in 2004. If Obama wins VA, he's probably home and dry. Here are 5 of the top headlines on the Rasmussen/Fox site (typically Republican leaning!):
Obama Takes Five-Point Lead in Virginia
48% Disagree with McCain, Think Debate Should Go On
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll (Obama 5o%, McCain 45%)
McCain Only Ahead By One Now in Florida
Obama Takes Four-Point Lead in Pennsylvania
Ohio Now a Toss-up
And over at, we see that Obama has pulled to within 1 pt in Montana, and is ahead in MI (3%), NH (2%) and North Carolina (2%)! These are within MOI, sure, but the trend lines are consistent.
MO: McCain 47, Obama 46 (R2K-9/22-24); StrategicVision: MI, NH (9/22-24);Rasmussen: NC, MA (9/23)
Desperate times for McCain. I wonder what desperate measures we'll see next.

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