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Thursday, September 25, 2008

9/18/08: McCain is always McSame

McCain really is McSame. Most Americans now agree - 68% of Americans think McCain will continue Bush's policies, with a full 22% believing he will actually extend them (CBS poll). He can't just shake 26 years of voting with your party and 90% voting with Bush overnight. It's very clear that right now he'll say anything, do anything to win this election. Just in the last couple weeks, McSame has said he is:

a fiscal conservative, a populist, a moderate, a reformer, an experienced Washington political heavy-weight, an outsider, a maverick, a regulator, a de-regulator and just about anything else he can think of and hope that we don't notice.

Just this week he has flip-flopped so many times:

"The economy is sound. The economy is in crisis. I'm for a bailout. I am against a bailout. I am against regulation. I am for regulation." McSame's positions on the economy are as volatile as the stock market. But Americans just aren't buying this anymore.

Goodbye McSame and whatshername.

In March, McCain told The Wall Street Journal: “I'm always for less regulation.”

Yesterday, McCain complained on CNN about regulators who were “asleep at the switch for the last couple of years.”

Here's another joke: John "Gambler" McCain vowed to take on Wall Street's "casino culture" after the US government's 85-billion-dollar bailout of giant insurer American International Group, the latest shock of a horrific fortnight for the financial industry. Maybe he's a believer in that old saying "You need a thief to catch a thief".

Obama plans to pound McCain for the fourth day in a row for his clumsy assertion that “the fundamentals of our economy are strong.”

Obama will link the two issues by arguing, “He didn’t understand it then, and he doesn’t understand it now.”

White House press secretary Dana Perino declined to repeat the “fundamentals are strong” characterization on Wednesday, saying there is “a mixed picture.”

So expect to hear Obama say that McCain is the last person to think that – that not even President Bush is arguing the fundamentals of the economy are strong.

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