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Thursday, September 25, 2008

9/25/08: The real reason behind McCain's gamble

Everybody’s wondering why McCain dropped his bombshell trying to squirm out of Friday’s debate. It was a desperate gamble to deflect attention away from Palin’s bumbling interview with Katie Couric on CBS Evening News at 5.30pm. It worked, but only for a couple of hours. Millions of Americans including me caught her panic-stricken, broken-record replies to questions about McCain campaign manager Rick Davis’ getting paid by Freddie Mac. This picture is worth a thousand words, so see it for yourself at:

Katie Couric talks to Sarah Palin

Now, wait for the next bombshell: McCain will demand cancellation of the VP debate and air his debate then instead. He made the biggest mistake of his life picking this inexperienced bumbler for a VP, and now his campaign is reduced to playing keep-away with the media and the American people. Well it’s not going to work.

If you want to see what a real VP candidate looks like when talking to the press and answering difficult questions (without Cliff notes), see:

Joe Biden on Meet the Press

Joe Biden on the Today Show Sept 16

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