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Sunday, September 28, 2008

9/28/08 McCain: lifelong gambler (literally!)

I wrote back on Sep 18 about what a joke it was that "John "Gambler" McCain vowed to take on Wall Street's "casino culture" after the US government's 85-billion-dollar bailout of AIG. Well, I was closer to the truth than I thought:
the NY Times today reports
on McCain's close ties to the gambling world, about how he has done more than any other member of Congress to build America's casino landscape today, but most tellingly, about how he personally has gambled at least once a month for most of his adult life.

"A lifelong gambler, Mr. McCain takes risks, both on and off the craps table" the article says. This is why he took those gambles in his campaign already: choosing the Rove sleaze machine to run his campaign, picking Palin as his VP candidate, and last week, his desperate (and also failed) gamble to postpone the debate under the guise of "leadership" in the government's bailout of Wall Street. McCain has accepted more gambling money than any other member of Congress outside Nevada and New Jersey, the biggest gambling states.

Now, I ask you again, is this the kind of man we want to be our President? One who, when confronted with tough choices, decides on impulse to go with the Hail Mary pass and damn the consequences? Or do we want a President who keeps his cool even when things look grim, and continues to make rational decisions under pressure? I think the choice is clear, and is getting clearer every day.

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